”There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch from his roots shall bear fruit.” (Isaiah 11:1)
That’s a promise for God’s Salvation, Yeshua – Jesus. It’s a promise God made when there was no hope. And God made good on His promise, as He always does.
Christmas is a time of joy for all followers of Christ and it’s a reminder that God’s promises are true, no matter how hopeless the situation or how thick the darkness might be.
The same God that has sent His Son into this world to be born of a woman, to live like a human and die a most cruel death just to reconcile us to Himself, will stop at nothing for our sake.
My fellow soldiers in Christ, I pray God will continue to build you up in faith and grace. If you’re anything like me, then you’ve won some battles and you’ve lost some this year. Some of you are fighting as we speak… may God grant you victory. Do not lose heart, no matter how hard it seems. The enemy has no pity on your poor exhausted soul. So, sharpen your sword, be ready and above all, trust! Trust that our King is returning. Trust that just as God has promised The King to be born to us, He also promised to never leave us alone and that He shall return. It might look like our hope has been cut down, but out of a stump our Salvation came the first time, His return will seem even more impossible. But take heart, The King IS coming and all those that have served Him faithfully will see a reward for their toil. Be brave, you’re not alone. The enemy wants you to think that, but he’s a liar. You have defeated him because The One inside You has defeated him on Calvary. Fight the good fight, encourage other soldiers and never stop. Our King is coming. Immanuel! God is with us!Merry, blessed Christmas!
With gratitude, Cristina Pop