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Tuesday, August 13, 2024

I love my King


“Then Satan answered the LORD and said, “Does Job fear God for no reason?” – Job 1:9

I’ve had this question in my heart for months now. Not about Job, but about myself. Do I revere God for no reason? I want things to go well with me and with those I love, I want to be blessed, I want all positive and amazing things for myself, I’d like to go through life with as little pain as possible. Do I really love Him or do I want things from Him?

 Satan was right about Job, and he is right about me when he waltzes in all gleeful, declaring that my loyalty is not unconditional. I suppose he’s been observing us for long enough to know which way our hearts incline. Fact: Job wasn’t serving God unconditionally. By pointing it out to God, he wasn’t informing God of something God wasn’t aware of. So why the testing? Why did God allow Job to be stretched past the point of breaking? I suspect to teach Satan and all the heavenly court a lesson. That when a human is in love with God, that human will question, will reach all sorts of unjust conclusions concerning God, he will demand a day in court, he will rage, he will tear himself apart in searching for the ‘why’ in a particular situation, will demand a different outcome and when all words will fail said human might even grow numb, but love for his Master will never allow him to walk away.

Satan thinks we’re worthless. Self-serving, manipulative, corrupted to our very core. He sees us as worms, “how much less man, who is a maggot, and the son of man, who is a worm!” (Job 25:6) Not so with God. When The Lord, finally shows up on the scene in Job’s reality, this broken man, despised by friends and foes alike, almost convinced himself he is indeed nothing but a worm, he is challenged by God, “Now prepare yourself LIKE A MAN; I will question you, and you shall answer Me.” (Job 38:3) Not like an angel, not like a giant, like a MAN. God knows the value of a human and I don’t blame Satan for not seeing it, he’s just a creature not God.

Nothing has changed since Job. Satan is predictable like that. He hates us too much to see the value that God insists is there. He did the same with Jesus’ disciples. At the last supper, Jesus informs Peter, “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.” (Luke 22:31-32) Oblivious, Peter makes all kinds of promises that he will break and so do the others. He talks about his hour and they’re looking for swords and they reach the most ridiculous conclusion in the history of humankind that with two swords they’ll overthrow an empire and enthrone Jesus as King. And The King doesn’t laugh at their utter stupidity nor sets them straight although He sees He will be taken and all of them will run like scared children. He loves them. He took on flesh for them. No matter how much Satan is bent on revealing all their shortcomings, He’s not deterred. All hell, in one voice is yelling, “are these the ones you want to redeem? Look at them! Traitors all of them!” And Jesus resolutely looks ahead. No number of charges laid against the sheep will make this Shepherd turn away. Why? Because He knew even as Peter was cursing himself that he had never even seen Jesus, that Peter loved Him. Later, on a shore He’ll ask Peter, “do you love Me?” because Peter needed to remember he loves his Master and that The King believed it.

We might get tested, we might get bruised and almost snuffed out, but The King we serve doesn’t break off bruised reeds nor does He quench a smoking flax (Isaiah 42:3). Never let the despair of your own shortcomings convince you of Satan’s lies. Love has created you. Love came for you. Love died to give you new birth. Love keeps you and Love will wait for you when you reach home.

Some day my memories might fade. I might forget places and the steps I took to get to those places. I might forget names and faces. I might forget every verse I’ve memorised and every doctrine I’ve stood by. I might forget everything, but even then, I’ll remember that I love Him back and He believes me.

“For, “Yet a little while, and the coming one will come and will not delay; but my righteous one shall live by faith, and if he shrinks back, my soul has no pleasure in him.” (Hebrews 10:37-38)

by Cristina Pop


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