
The articles here represent my own belief, thoughts and ideas. Do not copy or publish any of my articles without my permission.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022


 My God and King, remember that I am dust. All that I am is before Your Holy eyes. My heart stutters inside me as it fights my mind. I grasp at every word You have said, and I believe. My Lord, I believe, help my unbelief. Look with kindness upon my weaknesses.  

It feels like a war rising against me and I spoke boldly in my time of peace. I have made loud declarations about how I will stand and fight because You train my hands for war. I have bragged about my courage. I have told others how to fight and now Lord, I am afraid. Forgive Your daughter’s cowardice. “When my heart was grieved and my spirit embittered, I was senseless and ignorant I was a brute beast before You. Yet I am always with You; You hold me by my right hand. 
 You guide me with Your counsel, and afterward You will take me into glory. Whom have I in heaven but You? And earth has nothing I desire besides You. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” (Ps 73:21-26)  

I do not waver in my faith. I know in Whom I have placed my trust. I am just afraid. Do not let me put to shame. Redeemer of my tears, strengthen my heart. Do not allow me to dishonour You. Remember I have walked faithfully in Your sight all my life. Do not allow my steps to falter now. Do not allow my hands to drop the sword. Just say a word and my soul will be uplifted. No, not even a word, a thought will do. A glance... I am Yours, “LORD Almighty, may those who hope in You not be disgraced because of me; God of Israel, may those who seek You not be put to shame because of me.” (Ps 69:6) 

I will fight, my King. I just need You to know I acknowledge that I am scared and unless You fight for me, this battle will be lost. Even as I say that I will not be another king Saul who got so scared that he broke Your will just to get help (1 Sam. 13). I am scared but not that scared.  

Plant my feet into Rock just do not let me run even if I am tempted to. You have fought greater battles than mine and won them all. So, I will wait for You, Lord. Just do not let my trembling offend Your Holy eyes. I hope in You, may Your will be done. 


by Cristina Pop 

Saturday, November 5, 2022

For Your sake

I was looking through some Romanian Christian poems. I do that when I miss my mother. I try to remember her voice reciting poems or singing songs. One of her favorite authors was Costache Ioanid, so I have decided to translate, very poorly, one of his poems. 


                 De dragul Tău          For Your sake

             de Costache Ioanid           by Costache Ioanid


Ce dor frumos, ce Rai ne leagă!   What beautiful yearning, what Heaven binds us! 
Eu cânt cu lacrimi, Tu le-alini  I sing with tears, You wipe them away,  
De dragul Tău mi-e lumea dragă, For your sake the world is dear to me, 

că-n ea Te văd și-n flori și-n spini.  For in it I see You both in flowers and thorns. 

În crinii albi Ți-e sărutarea,  The white lilies hide Your kiss, 
în maci văd sânge pe Calvar. In poppies I see the blood of Calvary. 
De dragul Tău mi-e dragă marea  For Your sake I love the sea 
și cerul fără de hotar!                    And the limitless sky! 

În bulgări reci Te văd cum sameni  In cold lumps of dirt I see You sowing, 
și-n spini văd pașii sângerați.          And in the thorns I see Your bloodied steps.  
De dragul Tău iubesc pe oameni;    For Your sake I love people; 
azi sunt străini, mâini, poate frați!   Today's strangers, tomorrow might be brothers!

Când turme trec ducându-și dorul    When flocks pass by carrying their yearnings  
și spune-un fluier: "Sunt cu voi!"     And a flute is saying, ‘I’m with you!’
de dragul Tău mi-e drag păstorul      For Your sake I love the shepherd, 
ce-și pune pieptul pentru oi!             That bares his breast out for the sheep! 

În cei aleși Îți văd iubirea,               In the elect ones I see Your love
cu ei cântându-Ți psalmi în văi...   Singing You Psalms with them in valleys, 
De dragul Tău le sorb privirea;       For Your sake I drink in their eyes,
pe-obrajii lor, sărut pe-ai Tăi!        And I kiss their cheeks imagining they’re Yours! 

Și cât mi-e dat să nu-Ți văd fața,    And when it’s my lot not to see Your face, 
dorit de stele ca un mag,                 Desired by the stars as a wise man,  
de dragul Tău mi-e dragă viața,     For Your sake I love life, 
și moartea nu-i decât un prag...      And death is nothing but a threshold ... 


  I have always wished to be wise. Always. Having said that, I don't mean that I didn't wish for anything else. Oh, I have wished ...

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"But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain..."